ClarkeWare — Circuit Control

Circuit Control - Glossary

Ambient Temperature Ambient temperature rating of a cable as specified by the manufacturer. (Alphanumeric: 10 characters max)
Application The common name of an equipment or device.
Example: No. 1 Roll Change Hyd. Pump Motor (Alphanumeric: 70 characters max)
Area The physical area a device is located in or logical system to which a device belongs. (Alphanumeric: 12 characters max)
Available A flag indicating the availability of a particular label part. The label catalog may contain the description of labels which are not available on the currentl project. (True/False)
Cable Area The cross-sectional area of a cable. Either the O.D. or the area may be entered when defining a cable. The other value is then calculated accordingly. (Float)
Cable Code A code assigned to a cable entry in the cable catalog. It is recommended that an alpha numeric scheme such as P01, C01 etc. be used. Where the first letter represents the type of circuit the cable is useful for. (Alphanumeric: 12 characters max)
Cable Length The length of a single cable on a particular circuit. (Integer)
Cable OD The outer diameter of a cable. Specified when defining a cable in the cable catalog. See Cable Area. (Float)
Catalog Number A vendor or manufacturer's catalog number for a cable. (Alphanumeric: 20 characters max)
Circuit Note (Alphanumeric: 60 characters max)
Circuit Number The identifier of the circuit (or conduit). Alphanumeric, up to 20 characters. (Alphanumeric: 20 characters max)
Color Code The identifier of a wire color scheme used on a cable (e.g. K2). The standard color schemes are pre defined. Custom color schemes may be defined for any cable. (Alphanumeric: 12 characters max)
Complete A flag indicating that all work required for a device is completed from installation through check out, as necessary. (True/False)
Conductor Size The size of the conductors contained in a cable. (Alphanumeric: 8 characters max)
Conductor Type Conductors type as specified by the manufacturer. (Alphanumeric: 20 characters max)
Conduit Length Length of conduit required for a particular circuit. (Integer)
Conduit Only Flag indicating the Circuit Number is actually a conduit number. No cables are associated with the entry. (True/False)
Conduit Size The size of the conduit associated with a circuit entry. Conduit size may also be entered in the cable catalog to indicate the minimum size required for the cable. (Alphanumeric: 10 characters max)
Connect From A flag indicating that the wires in a circuit have been terminated on the source end. (True/False)
Connect To A flag indicating that the wires in a circuit have been terminated on the destination end. (True/False)
Connected A flag indicating that wires have been terminated for a particular device. (True/False)
Default Project Any existing project may be designated as the default project. When a new project is created, the default project may be used as the basis for the new project. All data existing in the default project will be copied to the new project file. See how to specify the default project.
Default Project Any existing project may be designated as the default project. When a new project is created, the default project may be used as the basis for the new project. All data existing in the default project will be copied to the new project file. See how to specify the default project.
(Area Code)
Description or name of the physical area or logical system. (Alphanumeric: 50 characters max)
Description of a cable entry. (Alphanumeric: 60 characters max)
The description of the circuit. May be as simple as Power or Control etc. (Alphanumeric: 50 characters max)
(Color Code)
A description for the wire color scheme (e.g. K2 - Control Cables) (Alphanumeric: 35 characters max)
(Device Code)
Description of the device type code. For example, a device code MAC may have the description Motor, AC. (Alphanumeric: 50 characters max)
The title or description of a drawing entry. (Alphanumeric: 80 characters max)
Used to further describe a device. The electrical specs maybe entered in this field. (Alphanumeric: 70 characters max)
Description of the entry in the label catalog. (Alphanumeric: 50 characters max)
(Noise level)
Description of a noise level as defined within the project. (Alphanumeric: 50 characters max)
Device Type Device codes correspond to a type of device or equipment. Each equipment defined in the project must have a device type associated with it. Codes may be alphanumeric however, codes which have some relationship to the description may be most useful.
It will be helpful to devise the code structure so that the noun corresponds to the first letter. In this way, the like codes will appear together in the picklist. For example MAC may be the code for an AC Motor, MDC the code for a DC Motor. (Alphanumeric: 12 characters max)
Discipline The engineering discipline most closely associated with a blueprint. (Alphanumeric: 20 characters max)
Drawing The drawing number associated with an entry in the drawing list. (Alphanumeric: 30 characters max)
Electrical Check A flag indicating that a device has been checked out electrically. (True/False)
End Note A note associated with an endpoint of a circuit. The note may be used to expand on the description of the device or may serve as a substitute for a device as the endpoint of a circuit. (Alphanumeric: 65 characters max)
Endpoint Each circuit has an associated "From" and "To" endpoint. Each endpoint provides the capability to associate an equipment item with that end of the circuit. Typically, the From endpoint is the distribution end and the To endpoint is the field device. Aside from associating an equipment item with an endpoint, a note may also be associated with the endpoint. A note can be made with or without having an equipment item associated with the endpoint. In some cases the endpoint may not warrant an entry in the equipment list and the note will suffice.
Equipment Number The equipment number is the unique identifier of a device. Any coding scheme may be used in this field. (Alphanumeric: 20 characters max)
Font Size The font size to be used when printing a wire sleeve. (Integer)
From Terminal The terminal to land a wire at the source (or "From") end of the circuit. (Alphanumeric: 15 characters max)
Ground Size The wire size of a ground conductor associated with a cable in the cable catalog, or the size of a ground cable which is run as part of a circuit. (Alphanumeric: 10 characters max)
Horizontal Pitch Used when defining a wire label part. This is the horizontal spacing (inches) between left edges of the labels in a row of labels. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
In Conduit Amps The manufacturers ampacity rating for a cable when it is enclosed in conduit. (Alphanumeric: 8 characters max)
Inactive Circuit and Equipment entries may be hidden by making them inactive. An inactive Circuit or Equipment may be made active again by deselecting the "Inactive" checkbox. They may also be reused by changing the data associated with them and then making them active. Inactive entries are not typically included in reports, however it is possible to specify that they be included, or that only Inactive entries be included. Display of inactive entries in the Circuit and Equipment forms is controlled by using the option menu on each form. Further, the list of items displayed in the respective lookup dialogs will reflect the chosen options.
Installed A flag indicating that a device has been installed (mechanically). (True/False)
Insulation The insulation description of a cable in the cable catalog (as specified by the manufacturer). (Alphanumeric: 10 characters max)
Item Code A general purpose field which may be used to correlate a cable catalog entry with an external purchasing system. (Alphanumeric: 12 characters max)
Jacket The jacket description of a cable in the cable catalog (as specified by the manufacturer). (Alphanumeric: 10 characters max)
Label Bottom Margin Used when defining a wire label part. This is the bottom margin (inches) to use on each label when printing. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
Label Height Used when defining a wire label part. This is the height (inches) of the label. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
Label Left Margin Used when defining a wire label part. This is the left margin (inches) to use on each label when printing. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
Label Right Margin Used when defining a wire label part. This is the right margin (inches) to use on each label when printing. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
Label Top Margin Used when defining a wire label part. This is the top margin (inches) to use on each label when printing. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
Label Width Used when defining a wire label part. This is the width (inches) of each label. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
Labels Per Row Used when defining a wire label part. This is the number of labels found on each row of the label stock. (Integer)
Manufacturer The manufacturer of a device. (Alphanumeric: 30 characters max)
Noise Level The Noise field is used to associate a Noise level to a circuit entry. Noise levels are defined for the project using the Noise Level Dialog. (Alphanumeric: 12 characters max)
Number Of Cables The number of cables which must be pulled to satisfy a circuit. (Integer)
Override Colors A flag indicating that the wire colors do not come from the cable catalog entry. Once the override is chosen, each wire color may be specified by dragging wire colors from the wire color pick list. Choose to override colors by right clicking the wire number grid on the circuit form. The wire color picklist will then appear. (True/False)
Part Number The manufacturer's part number associated with a wire label part. (Alphanumeric: 20 characters max)
Pieces Per Pkg Total number of individual labels contained in a package of wire labels. This field is for reference only and is not required by the program. (Integer)
Pulled A flag indicating that the cables have been pulled for a particular circuit. (True/False)
Received A flag indicating that an equipment or device has been received. (True/False)
Remarks May be used to make a notation regarding to the status of a device. (Alphanumeric: 50 characters max)
Removed A flag indicating that a device has been removed. (True/False)
Repeat Colors Used when defining an entry in the cable catalog. If the cable contains multiple sets of conductors, this flag controls whether each set has the same colors within it. For example, if the cable contains multiple pairs and the K1 color scheme is chosen, each pair will have a black and a red wire. If repeat is not chosen, the first pair will contain a black and a red, the next will contain a blue and an orange wire and so on. (True/False)
Revision (of a drawing) The revision specified on a drawing list entry. (Alphanumeric: 10 characters max)
Revision Date The date that the circuit or equipment list revision number was incremented. (Date/Time)
Revision (Circuit or Equipment) The revision number associated with either the circuit list or the equipment list. The revision numbers are independent of each other. (Integer)
Run A flag indicating that the conduit has been run for a circuit. (True/False)
Sets of Conductors When creating a new cable entry, enter a number to designate the number of conductor sets which make up the cable. For instance, if the cable consists of 3 pairs of conductors, the number of sets is 3, the Wires per Set number is 2. If the cable is a standard 7 conductor control cable, the number of sets is 1, the Wires per Set number is 7. Specified when a cable catalog entry is made. This is the number of wire sets contained in a cable. A set is a grouping of wires (pairs, triads etc.). A typical seven conductor control cable would have one set of seven conductors. (Integer)
Set Name The name of the wire set ( /c, pair, triad etc.) (Alphanumeric: 25 characters max)
Sheet The sheet number of a drawing entry which is part of a multiple sheet document. (Integer)
Shield A flag indicating that the cable entry has an overall shield. (True/False)
Size Unit The unit associated with the size of a cable catalog entry ( MCM or AWG or KCMIL etc.). (Alphanumeric: 6 characters max)
Source For circuits or devices, this field may be used to indicate what the source of the information associated with the entry is. (Alphanumeric: 12 characters max)
Stock Left Margin Used when defining a wire label part. This is the distance (inches) from the left of the label stock to the first column of labels. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
Stock Top Margin Used when defining a wire label part. This is the distance (inches) from the top of the label stock page to the first row of labels. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
Tag Type Wire labels may be of type Wrap or Sleeve. A wrap is wrapped around the wire. A sleeve is slipped over the end of the wire. (Alphanumeric: 12 characters max)
Temperature The manufacturer's temperature rating of a cable. (Alphanumeric: 10 characters max)
To Be Installed A flag indicating that an item in the equipment list is to be installed as part of the project. (True/False)
To Be Removed A flag indicating that an item in the equipment list is to be removed as part of the project. (True/False)
To Terminal The terminal to land a wire at the destination (or "To") end of the circuit. (Alphanumeric: 15 characters max)
Type (Drawing) The type of the drawing. (Single Line, Elevation, Exposed Conduit etc.) (Alphanumeric: 20 characters max)
Vendor The name of the vendor of a cable or a device. (Alphanumeric: 30 characters max)
Vertical Pitch Used when defining a wire label part. This is the vertical spacing (inches) between top edges of the labels in a column of labels. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
Voltage The voltage associated with a Noise Level. (Alphanumeric: 12 characters max)
Volts The manufacturer's voltage rating of a cable entry. (Alphanumeric: 5 characters max)
Web Width The width of the label stock. If the stock is tractor fed, this width includes the width of the tractor edge. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
Weight Per 1000 Feet The weight of 1,000 feet of a cable as supplied by the manufacturer. (Float)
Wire Number The number associated with an individual conductor within a circuit. (Alphanumeric: 15 characters max)
Wire Size The size of a conductor. (Alphanumeric: 8 characters max)
Wires Per Set The number of conductors within each set contained by a cable. A conductor set may be pairs, triads etc. If a cable consists of 3 pairs of conductors, the number of sets is 3 and the Wires per Set number is 2. A standard 7/c control cable has one set with 7 conductors. (Integer)
Wireway A wireway is any element through which a cable passes. The definition of wireway is somewhat arbitrary. A wireway is typically a conduit, tray, pull box, junction box etc. (Alphanumeric: 20 characters max)
Write On Height Used when defining a wire label part. This is the height (inches) of the area which can be printed on. A "wrap" type label normally has a write on height which is much smaller than the overall height of the label. (stored as integer number of 1/1000")
ClarkeWare - PO Box 585 - Coraopolis, PA 15108 last updated: 09-Jan-2004 23:37